Purification Sampai

Purification Sampai


Monday, June 30, 2025    
All Day

Event Type

June 30th marks the completion of the first half of the year. It is a special day for reflecting upon what has transpired during the past six months. Purification Sampais, or “Oharai,” will be held at your local Shumei Centers at 5:00 pm (local time). If you would like to help align and rejuvenate your spiritual energies, we encourage you to join us at one of these sampais to chant the Amatsunorito and Kamigoto and exchange Jyorei.

Traditionally, June 30th is an auspicious day to clear the accumulated toxins from the first part of the year. Meishusama valued the intent and timing of this ancient ritual performed three times a year. Shumei observes these purification rituals every year on February 3, June 30, and December 31.

The ceremony begins with reciting the Amatsunorito and Kamigoto chants. Both chants have a cleansing vibration in the spirit of their words, known as Kototama. The Kamigoto, in particular, brings more cleansing energy to our loved ones, surroundings, neighborhoods, and the world. The Kamigoto prayer also can help purify our spiritual clouds, rejuvenate our spiritual power, and align us with divinity.

Online Sampai Schedule

West Coast
5:00 PM (Pacific Time) – Opening of the Sampai

Meeting ID: 832 6599 3612
Passcode: 252740

East Coast
5:00 PM (Eastern Time) – Opening of the Sampai

Meeting ID: 893 2704 3753
Passcode: 777604

In-Person Sampai Schedule

Pasadena Center
5:00 PM (PT)

Hollywood Center
5:00 PM (PT)

San Diego Center
5:00 PM (PT)

San Francisco Center
5:00 PM (PT)

Denver Center
Please contact the center for time

SII Crestone Center
6:00 PM (MT)

Pennsylvania Center
5:00 PM (MT)

New York Center
11:00 AM (ET)