Mikotosama’s Memorial Sampai

Mikotosama’s Memorial Sampai


Thursday, July 11, 2030    
All Day

Event Type

Remembering Mikotosama – With Gratitude

Mikotosama, the second president of Shumei, was instrumental in Shumei’s becoming independent from its mother organization under Kaishusama’s guidance. A few years later, Mikotosama led the construction of Misono (meaning ‘Sacred Garden’), which was completed in 1983. Mikotosama was 47 years old at that time.

Mikotosama, through his dynamic leadership and excellent vision, inspired and uplifted many members’ spirits. In 1985, he sent Sensei Eugene Imai to the United States, paving the way for the formation of Shumei America.

On July 11th, 1984, Mikotosama left the physical world for greater tasks in the spirit world after accomplishing all his assignments on earth. With gratitude, we carry on his legacy by sharing Jyorei around the world.

“The happiness of the whole world is your happiness and your happiness is my happiness.”