Purification Sampai, “Setsubun”

Purification Sampai, “Setsubun”


Thursday, February 3, 2028    
All Day

Event Type

Shumei honors “Setsubun,” an occasion of purification. On February 3rd, to initiate more remarkable purification, Shumei facilitates the chanting of the Amatsunorito & Kamigoto. These chants will help purify us before “Rishun” sampai the following morning.

Meishusama considered this day an auspicious time for purifying the toxins and negativity that make up our spiritual clouds.  It is also a time to reflect upon the nature and condition of our lives and determine what needs to be changed or improved.

Meishusama thought “Rishun,” the “First Day of Spring,” was an excellent time to initiate new projects. On this very day, many years ago, Mokichi Okada changed his title from “Grand Sensei” to “Meishusama,” which translates to “Master of Light.” He also initiated the practice of mass Jyorei and created various new structures within his spiritual organization. He felt that new beginnings were more successful when preceded by purification. Thus the importance of the Purification Sampai, Setsubun, on February 3rd.

Online Sampai Schedule

West Cost 5:00 PM (Pacific Time) – Opening of the Sampai

Meeting ID: 832 6599 3612
Passcode: 252740

East Cost 5:00 PM (Eastern Time) – Opening of the Sampai
Meeting ID: 893 2704 3753
Passcode: 777604

In-Person Sampai Schedule

Pasadena Center
5:00 PM (PT)

Hollywood Center
5:00 PM (PT)

San Francisco Center
7:30 PM (PT)

Crestone Center (SII)
6:00 PM (MT)

Pennsylvania Center
5:00 PM (ET)

New York Center
11:00 AM (ET)