First Day of Spring, “Rishun”

First Day of Spring, “Rishun”


Friday, February 4, 2028    
All Day

Event Type

February 3rd is the day Japanese culture celebrates “Rishun,” also known as the “First Day of Spring.” Rishun falls halfway between the Winter Solstice on December 21st and the Spring Equinox on March 20th. According to the Lunar Calendar, this is considered the first day of spring. In many cultures, this day celebrates the return of the sun’s light to the world, with the accompanying rebirth of trees, plants, and other life forms.

From a spiritual perspective, along with the increase in sunlight comes an increase in the Divine Light that permeates everything. Chanting the Amatsunorito is our way of welcoming the new life promised by the gift of the sun and its warmth. The Amatsunorito clears our hearts and minds, helping us to become more receptive to God’s blessings.

Meishusama thought “Rishun,” the “First Day of Spring,” was an excellent time to initiate new projects. On this very day, many years ago, Mokichi Okada changed his title from “Grand Sensei” to “Meishusama,” which translates to “Master of Light.” He also initiated the practice of mass Jyorei and created various new structures within his spiritual organization.

Online Sampai Schedule

11:00 AM (Pacific Time) – Opening of the Sampai

Meeting ID: 832 6599 3612
Passcode: 252740

In-Person Sampai Schedule

Pasadena Center
11:00 AM (PT)

San Francisco Center
11:00 AM (PT)

SII Crestone Center
12:00 PM (MT)

New York Center
11:00 AM (ET)