The Online Morning Sampai is a daily gathering that brings purifying energy by intoning the sacred Japanese chant known as Amatsunorito as well as the sharing of Jyorei healing Light energy. There will be two rounds of sharing Jyorei at the Sampai. If on your own, perhaps you’ll take these few moments to wish well upon others and to have gratitude for any blessings that may occur.

Every day (Monday through Sunday)
8:45am (PT) – Live stream typically opens
8:55am (PT) – Short talk is normally given
9:00am (PT) – Sampai begins
- Group chanting of Amatsunorito
- Meishusama’s Poems
- Sharing Jyorei
*Typically lasts about 20~30 minutes.
Webinar ID: 886 7094 6259
Passcode: 437100
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Monday through Friday (Excluding Weekends)
8:50am (ET) – Live stream typically opens
9:00am (ET) – Sampai begins
- Group chanting of Amatsunorito
- Meishusama’s Poems
- Sharing Jyorei
*Typically lasts about 20~30 minutes.
Webinar ID: 958 299 036
Passcode: 123456
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What is Otamagushi
Otamagushi is a financial offering given before attending a Sampai. The word means ‘pure human heart (or intentions) aligned with the heart of God.’ An alternate meaning is ‘a pure human soul and God’s Spirit joined as one.’ Offering Otamagushi is an essential part of the Sampai, as is washing the hands and rinsing one’s mouth, and it helps prepare one’s mind for contemplation and prayer. Whether small or large, what is put in an envelope to offer is important only if it comes with gratitude for all of God’s blessings. If one does not have the financial means to give Otamagushi, then an act of hoshi at the Center, such as washing the sink, sweeping the grounds, or mopping the floor, is an appropriate substitute. Both are good ways to demonstrate the sincerity of one’s gratitude. The intent behind Otamagushi is to give back to God a portion of what has been given to us. One whose heart is full of gratitude comes to realize that all things are gifts from God.
Suggested Guidelines for Shumei America Sampais
Shumei has various Centers and home centers that are live streaming their scheduled Sampais, as well as offering classes and events. We believe this approach is helping to unite our hearts and strengthen our prayers for people’s happiness and well-being.
The following are some possibilities for you. These are guidelines that may heighten you Sampai experience. Shumei’s live streaming Sampais are a powerful substitute when unable to be on location with several others. No matter where and how you join the Sampai, your intention and attitude is very important. Thank you.
1) Choose a space or room that you think is most spiritually elevated.
2) Offer an Otamagushi, or donation, for receiving Light as a token of gratitude.
3) All guides for chanting are in the daily email, or you can refer to the Miakarishu* chanting book, page 4 for the Amatsunorito, and then to the daily announced poem page number.
4) It is best to mute or turn off cell phones.
5) Drinking or eating during the Sampai is not recommended.
6) The video images on the screen are available to watch, or you may prefer to face in another direction that is more appealing.
7) At Morning Sampai Jyorei, you can share for another in your household, or if on your own, you may wish to meditate, or send prayers that may help others…
8) At Monthly Sampai Jyorei, please sit quietly in a receptive state with your head down and eyes closed.
*Miakarishu chanting books can be purchased by calling Shumei National Center at (626) 584-8841.