Basic Study Class – The Significance of Sampai and Chanting

Basic Study Class - The Significance of Sampai and Chanting


Saturday, July 19, 2025    
1:00 PM PDT - 2:30 PM PDT


Event Type

Instructor: Sensei Jim Kashiwagi
Explore Meishusama’s teachings about sampai, the importance of spiritual gatherings, and the various types of sampais. The class also explores Shumei rituals, which incorporate the Scroll of Light, the Kannon Screen, and the deity Daikokusama. This class also discusses the meaning and purpose of chanting the Amatsunorito and Zengensanji, the reason for bowing and clapping, and the value of gratitude and reverence.

Meeting ID: 879 2314 3212
Passcode: 206480