Basic Study Course

The Basic Study Course is Shumei America’s nationwide program accompanied by standardized educational material. It is primarily designed to support all new members. The course, however, is not restricted to new members but is open to all, including non-Jyorei practitioners already familiar with Shumei’s activity. Participants can further their learning with: Advanced Study Course, Instructor Course, and Shumei Origins Study Course.

  • Deepen your understanding of Meishusama and his teachings
  • Familiarize yourself with Shumei’s rituals and its basic spiritual practices
  • Support your participation in Shumei’s various activities
Course Details and Guidelines

The Pasadena National Center will offer all eight classes online through Zoom. The reminder for each class, its Zoom link, and course materials will be emailed to the course participants at least twice: eight days before the class and one day beforehand.

Local Shumei Centers also provide classes depending on the needs of local members. For class schedules, please contact your local center. Both the Pasadena National Center and local centers provide make-up classes online and in person.

The class lasts 60-90 minutes, which includes chanting the Amatsunorito at the beginning. Although there is no charge for each class, there is a suggested donation of $10. The class invitation/reminder email includes a button for your convenience in making an online donation. If you prefer to make a donation by check, please make it payable to ‘SSA’ and send it to Shumei America, 2430 East Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107.

Requirements for Course Completion
  • Attend all the regular classes (total of 8)
    If you miss a class, you can catch up by attending a make-up class to be held within two months (ideally).
  • Submit a final essay or interview by a Sensei

Class Schedule and Dates for 2025

The Basic Study Course consists of eight classes. The following are the themes, instructors, and descriptions of each class:

Sat., February 15, 1pm (PT) – “Understanding Jyorei” taught by Sensei Tom Ryu
Explore the healing power of Jyorei, focusing on its basic principles and benefits. It will also cover how to share effective and powerful Jyorei.
Class Text

Sat., March 15, 1pm (PT) – “The Spiritual World and the Physical World” taught by Sensei Steven Tokunaga
Explore the spiritual world, karma and reincarnation, the Law of Spiritual Precedence, spiritual cords, spiritual levels, the aura, ancestor spirits, Jyorei, the soul, and more.
Class Text

Sat., April 19, 1pm (PT) – “Purification and Gratitude” taught by Sensei Eugene Imai
Explore the principle and process of purification and learn how gratitude can support it. Included in the discussion will be the Law of Purification, the types of purification, and the causes of purification. Also covered will be acquired spiritual clouds and inborn spiritual clouds, as well as how a spiritual lifestyle that includes gratitude can improve the experience of purification.
Class Text

Sat., June 21, 1pm (PT) – “Meishusama’s Life” taught by Sensei Masanori Kaneko
Explore Meishusama’s life, including his childhood and early adult life, as well as his mystical experiences and his relationship to Kannon Bodhisattva, the deity of compassion. Meishusama’s life story is a living testament to the values and ideas he taught, which include the purpose of purification, the ability to learn and grow through adversity, and the significance of love and service. All participants are required to finish reading Sincerity and Truth: The Life Story of Meishusama before the class.
Class Text

Sat., July 19, 1pm (PT) – “The Significance of Sampai and Chanting” taught by Sensei Jim Kashiwagi
Explore Meishusama’s teachings about sampai, the importance of spiritual gatherings, and the various types of sampais. The class also explores Shumei rituals, which incorporate the Scroll of Light, the Kannon Screen, and the deity Daikokusama. This class also discusses the meaning and purpose of chanting the Amatsunorito and Zengensanji, the reason for bowing and clapping, and the value of gratitude and reverence.
Class Text

Sat., August 16, 1pm (PT) – “Appreciation of Art and Beauty” taught by Sensei Chisako Fukushima
Explore Meishusama’s teachings about art and beauty, how Meishusama studied art, why Meishusama established a museum, Kaishusama’s passion for beauty, the Miho Museum, taiko, and how art can create social harmony as well as elevate our spirits.
Class Text

Sat., September 20, 1pm (PT) – “Understanding Natural Agriculture” taught by Assistant Sensei Kenji Ban
Explore Natural Agriculture, its principles, benefits, and history, as well as the cause of illness and the value of healthy food.
Class Text

Sat., November 15, 1pm (PT) – “Hoshi: Selfless Service” taught by Assistant Sensei Eriko Welsh
Explore Meishusama’s teachings about love for others, service to God and the world, Hoshi as a basic spiritual discipline, the benefits of Hoshi, and the desire to help others be happy. \
Class Text


*Enrollment is available throughout the year, allowing for flexible entry even mid-term.

Basic Study Class - Appreciation of Art and Beauty

Basic Study Class - Appreciation of Art and Beauty

Saturday, August 16, 2025
1:00 PM PDT - 2:30 PM PDT
Basic Study Class - Understanding Natural Agriculture

Basic Study Class - Understanding Natural Agriculture

Saturday, September 20, 2025
1:00 PM PDT - 2:30 PM PDT
1 2 3 4
Class Link

Meeting ID: 879 2314 3212

Passcode: 206480

Donation Options

Check to Pasadena Center (written to “SSA”)
2430 East Colorado Blvd,
Pasadena, CA 91107

Credit Card by calling the Pasadena Center
+1(626) 584-8841

*Suggested donation is $10 per class.


Upon completion of all 8 classes and meeting the requirements of the study course, you will then receive a certificate of completion. You are now invited to continue your spiritual journey by enrolling in the Advanced Study Course.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.