An Offering of Light: Healing with Jyorei, Natural Agriculture, and Art
by Roy Gibbon, Atsushi Fujimaki
A comprehensive guide to improving your life, An Offering of Light explores the teachings of Mokichi Okada, Japan’s great 20th-century visionary, founder of the spiritual healing practice of Jyorei, and a pioneer of chemical-free farming. Known to the world as Meishusama, he is venerated by millions for his wisdom, compassion, and spiritual insights. His life was dedicated to spiritual healing, elevating the human condition, and improving the natural environment. Overall, the emphasis is on useful knowledge rather than abstract theory. Most significantly, An Offering of Light is meant to help you become healthier, happier, and more peaceful.

Farming to Create Heaven on Earth: Shumei Natural Agriculture
by Lisa M. Hamilton
“Farming to Create Heaven on Earth” is an exploration of Natural Agriculture, the food and farming movement born in Japan and now practiced throughout the world. Each chapter tells the story of a farm or group of consumers who are practicing this philosophy-based approach to growing and eating food. Together, the stories introduce a new approach to considering our relationship with food, one that its members hope will do nothing less than achieve world peace.

The Message in a Seed: Guidelines For a Peaceful Living
by Dena Merriam
After many years of visiting Natural Agriculture farms in Japan, Merriam presents a clear understanding of Natural Agriculture from the western urban consumer’s perspective. The book describes a different way of looking at the natural processes in agriculture from the act of sowing seeds to how the soil nurtures the plant until maturity. It is a way of life. The Message in a Seed describes the interconnectedness between nature, producers, and consumers, and the balance between materialism and spirituality that raises our consciousness in creating a more peaceful world.

Spirit of the Land: Shumei Natural Agriculture Philosophy and Practice
by Diana Jerkins
Human development is at a crossroads. Societies around the world are searching for a balance between feeding the population, producing an affordable food supply, and being caretakers for the natural world. Not since the transition from hunting and gathering to an agrarian lifestyle has there been an imperative for a paradigm shift in agriculture to meet these challenges. Natural Agriculture is a paradigm shift from the current commercial agricultural processes. Natural Agriculture is a partnership between the farmer, the consumer, and nature. Spirit of the Land explains how the concepts of Natural Agriculture were developed, how farmers can practice Natural Agriculture, and what can be achieved through Natural Agriculture farming. It is a comprehensive resource for learning Natural Agriculture principles and practical guidelines from seed saving, restoration, and protection of the soil to continuous cropping.